Every fighting or battle game has different types of weapons to protect the player and help him defeat his opponent. So, here is the complete guide on Shadow Fight 2 weapons so that players can perform better against other players by giving them high damage by choosing the right weapons according to their abilities.
In Shadow Fight 2 there are 18 types of weapon classes let’s dive into the article and learn about them:
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Shadow Fight 2 Weapons List
This list consists of all upgraded Shadow Fight 2 weapons available in the game which you need when you go further to fight with Hermit which is a very powerful boss. Read this list carefully to know the weapon functions to enable your Shadow character to fight against the widow and all other tough demons.
Short blades attached to handles have high damage, short range, low mobility, and fast attack speed.
Divided further into two sub-classes based on their super slash:
Double Swing Slashes
- Knives
- Daggers
- Butterfly Swords
- Meteorite Knives
- Kunai
- Triangular Knives
Rapid Multiple-Hit Spinning Strikes
- Krises
- Krises of an Intercessor
Knuckles is another type of weapon used in this game. In an easy world, Knuckles is like a handset. We can wear it and use this in our fight. This is also for the Close range fight. And a high range of damage can be delivered to our enemies.
Knuckles further types:
Double-Hit Unarmed Punches
- Fists are used here
Triple-Hit Spinning Punches
This type of weapon is used in this game. The shape of this weapon is like a Glove on your hand. With these gloves. We can deal extra damage to our enemy. This can be purchased or collected as you reach a specific level. This type also has further 6 types to explain
- Knuckles
- Coral Prickles
- Katars
- Spiny Knuckles
- Panda Cuddles
- Fruit Icicle
Double-Hit Spinning Punches
- Crescent Knives
Triple-Hit Smashing Strikes
- Pneumo Fists
Quadruple-Hit Spinning Punches
- Monk’s Katars
Sai is another type of weapon used in this game not in this game but in the series of this game. Some shapes of Sai are a little bit like a knife. This weapon is long-range and we can throw it. The weight of this weapon is too light. The damage Ratio of sai is low as compared to others. It also has a lot of types like others.
SAI further types:
Jumping Spits
- Stilettos
- Harbinger Sai
- Quenched Sai
- Vermeil Fangs
- Sai
Rapid Multiple-Hit Jian-Sword Spits
- Hermit Shadow Fight 2
- Victorious Jian
Batons are too many beautiful-shaped weapons. This weapon is based on his Sharpe blade or its grip. With this grip, the stability of this weapon will be increased or it will be easy to use.
As everything has its types. It will automatically be unlocked at their specific level. If you want to unlock earlier then you can, by using the gems or coins or you can also upgrade the level by using the gems. Britons also have four types.
Bludgeoning Strikes
- Steel Batons
- Maces
- Morning Stars
- Finger of God
Spinning-and-Smashing Hammers Strikes
- Imhotep Pounders
- Battle Hammers
Triple-Smashing-Electrical Strikes
- Thunder Hammers: has some magical powers and is more useable for short-range because of high damage. this is heavy so you are not able to throw it along a vast distance.
Flame-Ejecting Strikes
- Flame Clubs: This weapon consists of a grip and it can be used by throwing fire. Using the grip can be helpful for you to use this for a long-range weapon and also give extra damage to your enemies.
Katana almost looks like a sword but is more curved as compared to a normal sword and also lengthy as compared to the sword. The width of the Katana is too thin.
A normal sword can be handled with a single hand because the grip holder does not have enough space to handle both hands. But Katana can be handled with two hands because the handle is spatially decided to grip the katana with both of your hands.
Katana is more stable than a normal sword.
Types of Katana are three written below:
Thrust and Swing Slashes
- Ninja Sword
- Beach Punisher
Thrust and swing slashes are the normal or old-styled Katana. All of these katanas are long-range due to their large size with high damage.
Swing and Thrust Slashes
- Katana
- Golden Katana
- Keen Katana
Swing and thrust slashes are the unique forms of Katana. This katana’s style is more attractive compared to the normal one. All of these weapons unlock at their specific level. If you want these weapons due to their style, damage, or for their stability then you can purchase them with gems or coins.
Quintuple-Hit Daisho Slashes
- Daisho
- Shogun’s Katana
Daishō weapons also grant a unique double slash.
As every weapon has its type sword also has a lot of its types but some types are used in Shadow Fight 2. Only a single Sword is a different type and holding off two swords is another type all of these types are explained here.
Triple-Hit Machete Slashes
- Machetes
- Dragon Teeth
- Candy Rage
These types of blades and swords deal big damage as compared to others. This type of sword is unlocked at its specific level. If you want to unlock it then you can. The weight of these is too much compared to others
Hook-Sword Double Slashes
- Shuang Gou
- Ceremonial Shuang Gou
- Candy Canes
- Caramel Shuang Gou
- War Swords
The shape of this type of word is like the edge of this sword is covered. The work of this curviness is to cut or separates the meat from the body. Almost all of the soldiers of the shogun use such a type of weapon in their fight due to its long-range throwing capability.
The damage of this sword is too high if we use the position on our sword, our enemy is not enough to live but this type of sword is unlocked at the level of 11.
Jumping Slashes
Jumping slashes is almost like a sword. In this type half of the sword is like a normal one. And the second part of the edge of this is like a chopper. This damage ratio is decently very good as compared to others.
This type of sword is also for short or also for long-range. The shape of this sword is too decent Or attractive due to its construction. All of these swords will unlock at their specific or given level. This type of sword also has a lot of type names all of these weapons are:
- Swords
- Moon Sabers
- Kukris
- Wakizashi
Quadruple-Hit Slashes
- Big Swords
- Pharaoh’s Khopeshes
Quadruple hit slashes are not like a sword, they look like a chopper or it is also known as a big sword. They unlock at their given specific level. This is not for a long-range sword; the shape of this sword is wooed tariffing. This sword shocked me for a minute by seeing this one.
All of these sword names are written below:
Rapid Multiple Hit Spinning Slashes
- Oriental Sabers
- Ornamental Sabers
Rapid multiple-hit spinning slashes looked like a normal sword. The working of this sword is the same as our normal sword works. Or it is also for long-range or short-range, damage of this sword is comparably good as compared to others.
This sword is unlocked at its specific level. If you want to unlock it by using the gems or coins. Also, you can upgrade the level of this sword. The names of all of these types of swords are:
Triple Hit Fan Throwing Slashes
- Emerald Cutters
- Widow’s Fans
- Fans Of Passion
- Festive Fans
These types of swords are thorough able means that we can also be able to use them in our fight if our enemy moves back for cover we can through this, this will take more damage as compared to others this is both for close or long-range.
Kusarigama is another type of weapon used in this game. The shape of this weapon is like a sword but with the addition of a throughable blade with a normal string, the shape of this weapon is too attractive.
As compared to others. This weapon also has its type but a difference in its shape. Every weapon has its shape. The names of these weapons types are:
Triple-Hit Spinning Slashes
This is also known as a through able. In this type of weapon, they are used in our normal fight, or also we can throw it at our enemy if he moves back for cover. This will cause extra damage to others. We can unlock at their specific level. If you want to upgrade the level of this weapon then we can by using the gems or coins. The Names of all of these types are.
- Blood Reaper
- Kusarigama
- Heavy Kusarigama
- Sentinel Kusarigama
Tonfas are another type of weapon used in these fabulous games. This weapon was used for training purposes in the beginning. In the beginning, this was wood after some time this was changed. This will unlock at their specific given level.
It also has a lot of types of this because the difference is based on their shape or decision. If you want to upgrade the level of your weapon then you can by using the gems or coins. The names of these weapons are:
Triple-Hit Bludgeoning Strikes
- Tonfas
- Rabid Tonfas
- Blade Tonfas
- Leeches
Energy Projectile Shot
- Blaster Tonfas
Staff is also like a pole weapon used in this game. They are famous because of their stability or because they are easy to control. This also has a lot of its types.
All of the names of its types are written below:
Slamming Strikes
- Staff
- Heavy Staff
- Staff of Night
- Elegant Staff
- Broomstick
- Devil’s Broom
- Voodoo Spine
- Chinese Dragon Staff
Triple-Hit Spinning Strikes
- Wanderer’s Staff
- Shepherd’s Staff
Triple-Hit Elongating Staff Strikes
- Telescopic Staff
Axes are another weapon used in this game and are famous because of the massive big blades used in them. These blades make a look so tariffing. This is also used in our local works.
The damage is like, it will separate the part of that body where we attack that part of body. This is not for long-range but the damage is high as compared to others. This also has a lot of types. All of the shapes depend on their shape, size, weight, or work on it.
All of the axes are unlocked at their specific given level or if you want to unlock it or purchase it then we can by using the gems or coins with this we can upgrade the level of our weapon. In this game, we can see two different types of axes. Or these two types also have furthermore types to explain or present. All the types are
Triple-Hit Smashing Slashes
- Harrier Hooks
- Axes
- Labryses
- Spiked Axes
- Surprise Waffles
Spinning-Slice Slash
- Butcher’s Knives
Nunchaku is one of the oldest weapons which is used in this game. The manufacturing of this is like two metal sticks attached.
We can throw it and use it in our fight. If we hit our enemy with this it will hit the enemy multiple times. The damage of this is remarkably good as compared to others.
We divided this into main two types furtherly these types also have their own types. Names of these are:
Triple-Hit Swinging Strikes
- Nunchaku
- Steel Nunchaku
- Heavy Nunchaku
Tethered Weight Flails Strikes
- Orbs of Pain
A spear is also like a pole weapon but the difference is the addition of a blade on the edge on this. This is also for long-range if we use it in our fight.
Our fight efficiency will increase due to the low weight of this weapon and the damage ratio will increase due to the addition of a blade on the edge of it.
As everything has its types, Spear also has its types. Types are based on their size, shape, weight, and design.
Triple-Hit Thrust strikes
- The Sting
- Yari
- Silver Spear
- Jumonji Yari
- Sentinel’s Hand
Double-Hit Swinging Strikes
- Naginata
- Wasp’s Naginata
- Bisento
Quadruple-Hit Swinging Strikes
- Magari Yari
Thrust-and-Punch Strikes
- Trident
- Fatemaker
- Conqueror of the Seas
Two-handed weapons
But the most unique weapon is used in this game. The shape or size of this weapon is very fabulous. The grip size of this weapon is messily big.
It will provide our user with a more perfect grip or aim which deals extra damage. This is eider for long or short range.
This is divided into almost 5 types and these five types have further their types. All are explained below:
Triple-Hit Downward-Swinging Slashes
- Devastator
- Dadao
- Ronin’s Dadao
- Heavy Hammer
- Crusher
- Nodachi
Smashing Strikes
- Two-handed Mace
- Northern Hammer
- Caramel Boom
Cudgel-Slamming Strikes
- Two-handed Cudgel
Scythe Strikes
- Grim Scythe
- Blade Of Death
- Dissector of Hopes
- Claws of
Claws are another form of weapon used in this game. This is famous due to its damage, or its design. This game is like a glove that we wear on our hands. This is not for long-range but the damage is too high compared to those weapons that are long-range.
The design of Claws is very osm. It looks more attractive as compared to other weapons used in this game. This is unlocked at their specific given level. If you want to unlock it then you can by using the gems or coins. This also has a lot of its types. The main types are five. These types also have their types.
Quadruple-Hit Spinning Slashes
- Steel Claws
- Flayer Claws
Jumping Slashes
- Lynx’s Claws
- Three-Pronged Claws
- Beast’s Fury
Quadruple-Hit Sickles Slashes
- Sickles
- Pain and Panic
- Blade of the Eternal Bligh
Rapid Multiple-Hit Double Scythe Slashes
- Mowers
- Hunger Scythes
- Triple-Hit Electric Shock Slashes:
- Shocker Claws
- Winged Darkness
Elongating Scythe Strikes
- Reaver
Final Words
If you are a beginner in SF2 you must have read this guide completely to know the functions and classes of weapons for better fighting understanding by knowing your actual ability and the damage you can give to your enemies. We also have Shadow Fight 3 weapon list for Shadow Fight series fans.
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